Types of sit-ups: what are the benefits

 Types of sit-ups: what are the benefits

Lena Fisher

Who doesn't want to have a healthy and free belly? fat But with so many types of abdominals, it is difficult to understand what each one is for.

Does abdominals help to lose belly fat?

One of the most common fitness myths is to believe that the abs are responsible for eliminating belly fat. But, according to Bianca Pichirilli, a physical educator at Vitat, no exercise is capable of eliminating localized fat.

To lose belly fat - and fat from any region - it is necessary to invest in a healthy diet combined with strength training and cardio.

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"Including the abdominal in the training with the objective of reducing measures in the region is a trap, because this type of exercise is useful only to strengthen the abdominal wall. Thus, one of the factors that causes the belly to appear is the lack of strength of the abdominal muscles, which causes the abdomen and all the viscera to become more protruded (displaced forward). In other words, the abdominal does not make you losebelly, it just puts it in the right position," explains the specialist.

Also according to Bianca, the abdominal wall can be divided into three parts: upper, lower, and oblique. "Abdominals that we take the shoulders off the floor activate the upper part of the abdomen, for example, straight abdominal, or rower, while exercises that we take the legs and hips off the floor activate the lower part of the abdomen, for example, the infra abdominal or jackknife."

Types of abdominal crunches

Types of abdominal crunches: bicycle abdominal

Also called alternate abdominals, this exercise is a great option for beginners. It works the core and oblique muscles, helping to improve the movement of rotating the torso.


  • It helps strengthen the lateral region of the abdomen;
  • Improves motor coordination;
  • It strengthens the leg muscles.

How to do it

  1. First, lie down on a flat surface, preferably a mattress or yoga mat, to avoid possible discomfort in your lower back;
  2. Next, bend one of your legs over the other so that the calf of one is resting on the knee of the other;
  3. In this way, you should position one arm behind your neck, while the other should be extended at the side of your body;
  4. Remember that the arm that you will position must be opposite the leg that was flexed;
  5. Now the next step is to start the movements. Therefore, you should raise your torso as if you want to put the elbow of the bent arm against the raised leg;
  6. It is not necessary to pull them both together, the goal is to flex the abdomen in a way that works both the central and lateral parts.
  7. Finally, return to the starting position lying on the floor and repeat the movement.

Types of crunches: upper abdominal

This type of abdominal workout works the entire upper abdominal muscles in a concentrated way. In addition, it is a practical exercise because it can be done at different angles - on the floor, in a recumbent position, and with or without a load.


  • Improves posture;
  • It supports the body and aids balance;
  • Defines the muscles of the abdomen.

How to do it

  1. First, lie down on a mattress so that your back is parallel to the floor;
  2. Bend your knees and rest them on the floor, extending your arms and placing your hands on your ears;
  3. Tilt the chin a little, leaving 3 fingers free the neck;
  4. Then, pull in the air and contract your abdomen during the upward movement. Don't forget to hold the movement for 2 seconds;
  5. Return to the starting position and repeat;
  6. The recommended range is 8 to 12 repetitions.

Types of sit-ups: Rowing sit-up

Also known as the military-style abdominal, the rowing abdominal works the muscles of the abdomen directly. Because no equipment is needed, the movement is simple and accessible, as it can be done anywhere, especially at home.

Strengthening the abdominal muscles is essential to have body balance, improve the execution of other exercises, have good posture, and stabilize the lumbar spine, thus avoiding pain.


  • Losing fat from the "little tire";
  • It strengthens the core;
  • Firmness and stability in the execution of movements;

How to do it

  1. Lie on the ground, on a mat, with your stomach facing up. Keep your arms and legs up and straight on the ground, keeping your hands behind your head;
  2. Next, flex your legs while contracting your abdomen towards your knees, hugging them;
  3. Return in a controlled manner to the starting position;
  4. For me, do the number of repetitions indicated by the professional.

Read also: Slimming Down: Tips to Help Burn Abdominal Fat

Types of crunches: a oblique bdominal

This variation of the traditional abdominal works the oblique muscles, the internal and external ones.


  • It helps to reduce the fat on the flanks, the "little tire";
  • It reduces the level of sugar in the blood (glycemia);
  • Improves motor coordination.

How to do it

  1. First, lie down on a flat surface, preferably a mattress or yoga mat, to avoid possible discomfort in your lower back;
  2. Next, bend one of your legs over the other so that the calf of one is resting on the knee of the other;
  3. In this way, you should position one arm behind your neck, while the other should be extended at the side of your body;
  4. Remember that the arm that you will position must be opposite the leg that was flexed;
  5. Now the next step is to start the movements. Therefore, you should raise your torso as if you want to put the elbow of the bent arm against the raised leg;
  6. It is not necessary to pull them both together, the goal is to flex the abdomen in a way that works both the central and lateral parts.
  7. Finally, return to the starting position lying on the floor and repeat the movement.

Abdominal dragon flag

The dragon abdominal is a high-intensity exercise for the abdomen and works all the muscles in the region simultaneously.

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  • It strengthens other parts of the body, such as the hips, lower back, and even the legs;
  • It works the abdominal muscles in general.

How to do it

  1. Start by lying on your back and put your arms behind you and hold onto something sturdy;
  2. Then lift the hips towards the shoulders
  3. So lift your feet, legs, and torso to form a straight line.
  4. Bring your body in a straight line so that your shoulders, hips, and knees are aligned.
  5. Remember not to put your body weight only on your neck. Keep the weight on your shoulders and upper back.
  6. In this way, the upper back is the only part that should be in contact with the floor.
  7. Hold for up to 10 seconds.
  8. Slowly lower your body until it touches the ground.
  9. Do the repetitions and series indicated by a professional.

Lower abdominal

Also known as the reverse abdominal, the infra abdominal is an intermediate-level variation of the common abdominal. During the movement, your upper body stays on the floor while you contract your abs to pull your legs toward your chest. This exercise works the entire length of the rectus muscle. Plus, it's easy to add to any workout.


  • Easy movement;
  • It works the oblique muscles;
  • It avoids injuries.

How to do it

  1. Lie on the floor with your feet flat on the ground, your hands under your head, and your elbows apart;
  2. Press your lower back into the floor and pull your belly button to lift your feet off the floor. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle, keeping them together;
  3. Using the strength of your back, pull your knees toward your chest so that your glutes rise off the floor. Simultaneously, do a traditional abdominal, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, using your abdomen, not your hands, to lift your head and shoulders;
  4. Then slowly lower your shoulders, hips, and legs to return to the starting position;
  5. Another version of the reverse abdominal can leave the torso resting on the floor, so that the movement (of bringing the legs close to the chest) happens only in the lower body;
  6. Then repeat the movement, making sure not to use the momentum to activate the next series. Focus on keeping the strength in the abdomen and the hands relaxed to avoid pulling on the neck.


The plank is one of the most complete and effective exercises for defining the abdomen, but what few people know is that the position is also an excellent ally for toning the arms.


  • It improves back pain;
  • It helps to maintain good posture.

How to do it

  1. Rest your elbows on the ground in line with your shoulders and align your spine and hips;
  2. Raise your knees off the ground, adopting a fully extended and aligned posture from your head to your heels;
  3. So, stay in this position as long as you can, always contracting your abdomen as if you were trying to put your belly button against your back.

Source: Bianca Pichirilli, physical educator at Vitat.

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.