What is good for toothache? Learn what to do and possible causes

 What is good for toothache? Learn what to do and possible causes

Lena Fisher

The Last survey released by the Ministry of Health revealed that 25% of Brazilians suffer with some type of tooth pain. Parallel to this, the 2019 National Health Survey (PNS) of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released data about habits related to oral health in Brazil. Among those who do not have a dental plan, more than 15.3 million have never been to the dentist According to the dentist and director of Amil Dental Maria Adriana Araújo, any discomfort is a sign that something is not right.

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The professional explains that the intensity of pain varies as much by individual issues as by the reason that caused the discomfort. In any case, she stresses that no type of discomfort should be seen as a trivial or common condition.


The two main causes of toothache are caries and periodontal disease In other words, those that affect the tissues that support the teeth, such as the gums, the bone, and the muscles.

"It is worth pointing out that both caries and gum disease are bacterial infections Therefore, they deserve attention and care, because our general circulatory system also includes the passage through the teeth and their supporting structures", he highlights.

In addition, there are other reasons that can influence the onset of toothache, for example:

  • Bite problems ("fitting" of the upper and lower teeth);
  • Restorations that are old and in need of replacement;
  • Abscesses and pulpitis, the latter more popularly known as acute inflammation of the "nerve" or pulp of the tooth;
  • Exposed roots of teeth, with pain with hot and cold foods ;
  • Traumas in general as a result of accidents;
  • Sinusitis and other neurological problems;
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunctions (TMJD).

When is a toothache of concern?

Maria Adriana reinforces that every toothache must be investigated and, to do so, it is necessary to see a dentist: "In the consultations, the details of the patient's health history and the careful clinical examination provide important data for correct planning and dental treatment, aiming at preserving oral health and health in general", she explains.

The professional also explains that the most worrisome cases are those in which there is established infection This happens, for example, when the decay is very deep and reaches the tooth pulp, at which point the infection can reach other parts of the body, making the situation more serious.

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What is good for toothache?

It is common to look for home methods or non-prescription medicines to seek momentary relief from toothache. However, these practices are not recommended. The best thing to do, according to the specialist, is seek dental care as soon as possible.

" We must not use self-medication In some cases, the pain can "disappear" spontaneously, but it can also mask a more serious picture ahead, with pain, complications, and infectious processes that can lead to the loss of a tooth or a generalized infection," he says.

Thus, Maria advocates prevention and diagnosis as the best ways to avoid risky situations. The earlier a dentist exam is done, the less chances of a prolonged pain and an evolution of the condition.

How to treat pain?

The treatments vary according to the cause that generated the discomfort. this way, the dentist identifies the reason why there is pain in the oral cavity and, thus, performs the necessary intervention. Amil's director comments on the usual protocols for the treatment of toothache:

  • Caries : removal of caries and/or old restorations and rehabilitation with restorations or prosthetics, including (or not) the need for root canal treatment (living part of the tooth);
  • Gum problems : scraping, hygiene guidelines, and specific surgeries;
  • Bite problems orthodontic corrections / positioning of teeth in the orthodontic specialty;
  • Exposed tooth roots : covering of exposed roots, application of desensitizers, etc;
  • Traumas in general : clinical and radiographic assessments for extension evaluation and rehabilitative clinical planning (form, function, and esthetics);

Finally, when it comes to systemic diseases, another type of approach is necessary: "In cases of diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, cancer, and others, the dental treatment must consider the multidisciplinary action, i.e., dentists and other health professionals, aiming at the complete recovery and well-being of the patient", he says.

Habits to avoid toothache

Prevention is the best way to avoid pain and the onset of health problems. Therefore, there are some habits related to oral health that should be understood as a priority in the routine. Here are some:

  • Visit the dentist regularly (don't wait until you feel the pain to make an appointment);
  • Brush and floss your teeth after meals;
  • Finally, avoid the use of cigarettes.

Source: Maria Adriana Araújo, dentist and director of Amil Dental

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.