Thermogenic cappuccino recipe

 Thermogenic cappuccino recipe

Lena Fisher

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There is no such thing as bad weather for a cup of coffee, let alone a delicious cappuccino, but what if it is a version that is not only tasty, but also helps you lose weight?

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Next, check out a recipe for thermogenteric cappuccino The drink, which has up to 88 calories per serving, can be a great ally to your diet, because it is prepared with thermogenic nutrients - Basically, these foods act by increasing the body's temperature, causing the metabolism to become faster and fat burning to be much greater.

Learn how to prepare:


  • 1 teaspoon instant coffee powder
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon hot water
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
  • Cinnamon powder to taste


Mix the coffee, sugar and hot water until it forms a foam. Heat up the milk and mix it with the cocoa and cinnamon. Now add it to the coffee and serve it hot!

Recipe ceded by nutritionist Clarissa Fujiwara, Member of the Brazilian Association for the Study of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (ABESO) and the American Society for Nutrition (ASN).

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Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.