Squeezing pimples: learn about the harms of this practice for the skin

 Squeezing pimples: learn about the harms of this practice for the skin

Lena Fisher

Being bothered by acne is common sense among people who suffer from inflammation, especially teenagers. self-esteem Therefore, squeezing pimples, even if it is tempting, is not an alternative recommended by experts.

According to dermatologist Fabiana Seidl, the indication is to always seek medical treatment and do not tinker on your own "Squeezing the spine can lead to a cellulite on the face and need hospitalization for venous antibiotic therapy", he alerts.

The act of squeezing the pimples In other words, it increases the chances of skin inflammation, as dermatologist Felipe Chediek explains. post-inflammatory hyperchromia (pigmentations and stains) and scars.

"Apart from the risk of increasing the chance of secondary infections in the area, since the nails (even if you have washed your hands before) carry microorganisms that where the skin barrier is bad, these bacteria get in and end up throwing 'alcohol' on the fire already installed," points out the doctor.

Pimple squeeze: after all, how should the treatment be done?

The topical and/or oral treatment is the indicated solution when the subject is pimples. However, it needs to be prescribed by a doctor. Seidl says that intense pulsed light is very effective as a coadjuvant treatment. The method helps to reduce inflammatory lesions and bacteria.

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"Non-ablative fractional lasers (that reach fractions of the dermis) also help in the treatment of more resistant acne, including those cases that are resistant to treatment with isotretinoin (the famous Roacutan). The specific peelings for acne, such as salicylic and retinoic acid peeling, also help control the lesions.These two technologies are not indicated for the treatment of inflammatory pimple lesions", she says.

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What worsens the condition of the spine?

Dermatologist Fabiana Seidl talks about some of the causes that worsen or incite the appearance of acnes and they are:

  • Repetitive trauma to the skin;
  • Excessive consumption of milk and dairy products, high glycemic index diets leading to increased production of sebum and acne;
  • Hormonal changes, especially an increase in circulating androgen hormones (such as testosterone);
  • Stress, because it increases the androgen hormones;
  • Menstrual period;
  • Smoking;
  • Some cosmetic products, which can worsen acne by clogging pores;
  • Finally, medications that can induce an acneiform eruption, for example corticoids, anticonvulsants, lithium, progesterone-based contraceptives, and isoniazid.

Pimple squeeze: what happens to the spots?

Tamires Cesar, esthetician and professor at Estácio, explains that the pimples can be squeezed without leaving marks on the skin. spots caused by acne can, yes, be permanent on the skin.

"Acne leaves marks on the skin, because it is an inflammatory lesion and, in its healing process, it can leave a dark spot due to melanin activation, a depressed scar that we call atrophic scar, or also a higher scar that we call hypertrophic scar. For all of them, there are ways to improve the aspect of the skin and the spots", tells Cesar.

How to prevent pimples?

The best way to deal with pimples is to prevent them from appearing. specific soap to the area, always upon waking up and before going to sleep.

"Never sleep with makeup on, because the products clog the pores, facilitating the production of sebum and consequently the appearance of blackheads and pimples," suggests the specialist.

In addition, apply a moisturizer specific for your skin type, don't forget to use sunscreen and performing a deep skin cleansing once a month keep the skin healthy and acne-free, according to Cesar.

"Preventing their appearance depends on a good diet (avoiding aggravating factors), controlling stress levels as much as possible, and being aware of what you are using (medication or even supplements like vitamin B12)," adds dermatologist Felipe Chediek.

Sources: Dr. Fabiana Seidl dermatologist (CRM/RJ 87852-9). dr. Felipe Chediek Tamires Cesar, esthetician and professor at the You are at .

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.