Running: benefits, how to start, and avoiding injuries

 Running: benefits, how to start, and avoiding injuries

Lena Fisher

A run is one of the most democratic sports in existence and, for this and other reasons, it attracts thousands of new runners every year. Proof of this is the difficulty in obtaining the exact number of runners. According to the latest estimate by organizers of events in the segment in 2020, Brazil has between 6 and 11 million people who run. To get an idea, the Corrida de São Silvestre, a racenational iconic, gathered 32,000 people on December 31, 2022.

The horde of runners is only growing, and for various reasons: weight loss, improved well-being, an alternative to de-stress and escape from a heavy routine. That's right, many people tire physically to achieve mental relief.

The benefits mentioned above are indeed possible through physical activity. Many people have changed their routines and lifestyles to fit running, a passion that grows as the mind and body get stronger.

How to start running?

Although it is an accessible sport, it is not enough just to put one foot in front of the other. It is necessary to have the right equipment, as well as patience to build a solid base in the sport. After all, if we take a "step further than the leg", the risk of acquiring an injury is high.

Therefore, if possible, it is important to seek professional guidance early on in the journey, as well as some basic care If you follow the plan correctly, you will know that your effort will be worth it. Below, check out the tips and benefits of getting started in the world of running.

Step One: Have a basic checkup

This is a mandatory step to start any physical activity. Thus, clinical and cardiological exams are useful to diagnose alterations that can compromise your health. So, go to the doctor - general practitioner or cardiologist - to request this battery of exams and evaluate if everything is ok to follow the running plan. This also goes for those who are already a runner: perform an annual check-up orwhen it is recommended by your doctor.

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In case you are still not convinced of the importance of the check-up, know that it can map cardiovascular diseases that can kill with physical exertion.

Many athletes, professional and amateur, fall victim to sudden death because they are unaware of congenital problems.

Read also: How to avoid pain when running in cold weather

Choose the right equipment

The most common doubt among beginners and even long-time runners is about the most suitable running shoe. Among so many options on the market, it is sometimes difficult to choose the perfect pair.

But, the best tennis shoe is the one that doesn't even look like you're wearing it. Therefore, comfort is the first requirement, besides cushioning. In addition, knowing your step type (neutral, pronated or supinated) is also fundamental to select the shoe. And, perhaps the most important: the price of the shoe needs to fit in your pocket. Not always the most expensive model is the best; therefore, research a lotbefore buying the most coveted release of the year.

Clothing is equally important, with breathable fabric that allows for quick drying during the activity so as not to hinder your practice. In other words, T-shirts, shorts, socks, leggings and tops should not squeeze any part of the body, unless they are compression. Otherwise, they can cause rashes and even blisters!

If you want to monitor your activity, get a sports watch. There are several options available on the market today that measure your heart rate on the wrist or by means of a chest strap.

Other data measured are mileage, calories, duration of activity and the effort (training zone) applied in the run. The accessory can be very useful in your journey. After all, the data from each workout allow you to follow your evolution in the sport.

Seek professional guidance

As easy as it may seem to train on your own, it is ideal to look for a sports coach. This type of professional support is excellent because:

  • The trainer prepares a training plan based on your physical conditioning, always respecting your limits.
  • It helps to set possible short- and long-term goals.
  • It monitors your progress and makes the necessary posture corrections and complementary training to the race.
  • It helps you make new friends with common interests, which motivates you to go further.

Be patient

When we start running, it is common to follow people who are already running to get a dose of inspiration, but many people can become anxious about running faster or achieving a higher mileage when compared to other runners.

Keep in mind that you need to run slowly and at a comfortable pace. Running fast and without stopping will only make you tired before your time, which can discourage progress.

Moreover, betting only on speed training, without any strategy, increases the risk of injuries, such as shinitis, tendinitis, patellar chondromalacia, plantar fasciitis, among other inconveniences.

For example: walk for 1 minute and run for 1 minute until you complete 20 minutes. As you gain resistance, increase the running time until you complete 2 km without stopping, and so on. Another recommendation is to avoid running every day.

The ideal is to do three running workouts a week, with a rest day in between. On the "off" running days, it is fundamental to do muscle strengthening sessions, which will improve your performance and prevent possible injuries.

Set times to run

One way to get into the sport is to schedule your workouts at a certain time. Many people find it hard to find the time to exercise. If this is your case, analyze your routine and see the best time to dedicate to running.

There are those who prefer to train in the morning because it is a way to start the day in a better mood; but for those who don't have time in the early hours of the day, the ideal is to fit a run in at lunchtime or after work. The sessions don't need to be long at first.

Half an hour of running-walking-running is enough for the body to get used to the stimulus and the exercise becomes a habit.

Respect the rest days of the race

Good trainers often say that rest is part of training. The day-off, as it is called in running, serves for the body to assimilate what has been done in training. Rest, therefore, strengthens muscle memory and allows the body to recover properly - joints, heart, bones, muscles - for the next session.

Getting a good night's sleep is also part of the routine, also for the same reasons as the day-off.

Invest in strength training

A good number of amateur athletes neglect strength exercises because they don't like them or believe that the activity compromises performance.

But it is exactly the opposite: doing strength complements and improves your running skills, which allows a safe progression in mileage.

Weight training, functional training, and Pilates are good options that strengthen the muscles that need to protect and give stability to the joints and bones.

The suggestion is to have at least two sessions a week. Talk to your trainer or gym teacher (or of the sport you have chosen to integrate strengthening) to design a workout focused on running and prevent injuries.

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Benefits of running

Now that you know how to start, here are the reasons to make running your new favorite sport:

  • It slims and speeds up the metabolism.
  • It helps to make new friends.
  • It inspires you to set new goals.
  • It increases discipline in and out of training.
  • It improves physical conditioning, self-esteem, and concentration.
  • Assist in the treatment of depression and anxiety.
  • It generates a sense of well-being.
  • Gain in mood, discipline, and motivation.
  • It prevents heart disease, overweight, and obesity.
  • It encourages you to change other habits - improve your diet, for example.

Foods you should avoid before the race

In general, it is best to avoid high-fat, high-fiber, and high-protein foods in the hours leading up to high-intensity physical exertion. Stay away from the options below before your workout or test to avoid the unforeseen:

Laxative Fruits

Even though they are healthy, fruits like papaya, orange, and prune speed up the intestinal transit and increase the risk of you wanting to make a visit to the bathroom right in the middle of the journey.

Coffee before the race

Despite its ability to speed up the body and improve mood, large amounts of caffeine can speed up the body and the heart, cause stomach discomfort. In addition, coffee is a diuretic, which increases the urge to go to the bathroom during the run.

Milk, cheese and yogurt

In addition to the laxative effect, the lactose present in such foods can cause stomach or intestinal discomfort.

Red meat

This is a slower absorbing source of protein. Depending on the cut, it may have more fat, which will further hinder performance during exercise, even causing discomfort due to delayed digestion.

Fats and fried foods

Excess fats can also result in diarrhea.


Fibrous foods such as bran, whole grains, and raw vegetables can hinder digestion and speed up the bowels, and may require a "pit stop" in the bathroom.

Running: How to run 5 km?

After giving long hiking The short-term and healthy goal is the distance of 5 km, which would be the "first step" of the sport. If you have never dreamed of running, much less 5 km, don't worry. The distance does not require an intense training routine and can encourage beginners in the sport. But, where to start to run 5 kmdirectly, without having to walk?

To help you in this endeavor, you will need a practical guide with some essential tips to get you started.

Warm-up before the race

Stretching for running 5 km

Before starting any physical activity, it is necessary to warm up to prepare the body and avoid injuries. You can take a walk in an open place or on a treadmill for 10 to 15 minutes. In this way, the body, which was cold and unheated, warms up, increasing the heart rate and the dilation of the blood vessels, besides activating the muscles. On colder days, such as winter, it is worth increasing thewarm-up time and wear anti-thermal clothing if you are running outdoors.

Remember that every exercise, just as it requires warming up, also requires cooling down. elongation that relaxes the muscles.

Know your body for running 5 km

To start running 5 km as fast as you can right away is tempting, but it's not for everyone. When we do that, our muscles get stressed, that is, they make a bigger effort than they can handle. Our body has some limits and we need to listen to them. For those who don't have the ideal physical conditioning, it is necessary to start with interval training, alternating walking withThe best thing to do is to walk for a longer time than to run.

Starting to run gradually allows you to identify the pace that your body can handle, and then to progress in the sport.

The choice of running shoes

Sneakers are one of the most important items. There are several options for each modality. And which would be the best option for a beginner?

For those who are just starting out, the tip is to choose soft and efficient models that guarantee good impact absorption - protecting knees and joints - as well as comfort and cushioning for the feet.

If you don't know what type you are, you can ask someone who knows about this to help you. Or, as you wear the sneaker, the sole wears down, so the region that wears down the most can be your step. For example, when you notice that the left side of the sole is worn down the most, it means that your step is pronated - in other words, you step first on the ground with theinside the foot.

Importance of food

Caring for feeding After all, the body needs energy to undergo a high-intensity activity. Making balanced choices with a greater nutritional intake is a strategy to armor the body.

In time, you will realize that it is not a good idea to overindulge in food and alcohol if you have a test or training the next day. All food choices will reflect on your performance.

So if you have doubts about the best menu, consult a sports nutritionist to draw up a diet plan according to your needs and goals.

In general, it is interesting to eat a cereal bar fruit, a whole grain muffin (20 to 25 grams of carbohydrate), or two Brazil nuts to keep the blood glucose level stable during the race.

In addition, cutting down or reducing the consumption of some foods is a recommendation to gain more performance. Options rich in fats, ultra-processed products, and excessive alcoholic beverages, for example, should be reviewed to be an increasingly better runner.

Training Frequency

This initial phase can be very demanding on the body, so the more constant your running is, the faster your body gets used to it, you progress and the results show up. However, rest is also essential for your muscles. So start by running at the maximum three times a week with some interval training.

Muscle strengthening to run 5 km

Muscle strengthening for running 5 km

As we have already said, the body needs the training of weight training Thus, the regions most demanded during the race, such as lumbar, abdomen, thighs, glutes, posterior thigh, and calf, need a good strengthening, precisely to avoid pain and injuries. In addition, it is worth remembering that weight training should occur on alternate days to the race.


In addition to food, the hydration When practicing any physical activity, the body temperature increases, accelerating perspiration and, consequently, the loss of water and mineral salts to the environment. And this hydration does not need to be done only with water. So, for those who are already practicing the sport, there are other sports drinks that help keep the bodyhydrated and replenish the electrolytes that have gone away.

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This item is not necessarily the most important, but it can help you in some ways. Furthermore, some equipment, such as a heart rate monitor or a heart rate monitor, can help you measure and control your heart rate during your run, because with it you can see if your effort is at its maximum or if you can increase it.

There are other monitors that also indicate how many calories you expend during exercise, how much oxygen you consume, and how far you have traveled. You can find them all at sporting goods or medical equipment stores.

One item you can stick to at any time is a good old fashioned watch, but not just any watch, and they tend to be more expensive, so opt for sports specific models. Sunglasses are also important.

Myths and truths about running

Running hurts the knees

You've probably heard from someone that running hurts the knees. This belief that running hurts the knee joints is perpetuated and creates fear among those who want to start running. An online survey published in Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine reinforces this feeling.

Of the 2,514 respondents, more than half believe that running hurts their knees. However, in most cases, running is not harmful to the knees. On the contrary: many studies show that long-distance training can even strengthen the knees and muscles against injuries.

What happens is that some people already have some pathologies, and with the practice this worsens. Not to mention that other factors, such as lack of planning and the high volume of training, favor the inflammatory picture, whether muscular or articular.

Running Accelerates Aging

This is another myth widespread in the running universe, but let's get some facts straight. When running outdoors and without the proper sun protection, one is more exposed to solar radiation, and the recurrent practice can affect the health of the skin. With the proper use of sunscreen, you can run in the street without worrying, and the sport will not make you older.

Running causes sagging breasts and buttocks

Another question that raises doubts among runners, especially women. The breasts and buttocks have more fat, and because of the greater impact, it is possible to have anatomical changes. However, this situation happens when there is a lack of muscle strengthening associated with the use of inadequate clothing.

Those who have large breasts need a high-support top to control excessive movement and generate more comfort during exercise. The same goes for other parts of the body - wearing high-compression leggings or shorts also helps in this regard.

Running with a shirt on slimming

Many people believe this, but wearing very warm clothes for this purpose can be risky. The heat rises and you will sweat and dehydrate more. This can cause malaise and hinder your training.

Feeling pain when running is normal

It depends. It is common to feel discomfort, such as the famous "side" pain, which appears when we make a greater effort. Another common pain is muscle pain, which appears the day after a more intense run or new training. However, it usually disappears after a few days. Now, if you are feeling pain that bothers you before, during and after running, you need to see an orthopedist to find out thecause.

Source: Rodrigo Marinho, physical educator and teacher at Fórmula Academia Brooklin (SP).

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.