HIIT exercises at home: How to do them safely

 HIIT exercises at home: How to do them safely

Lena Fisher

O HIIT training (High Intensity Interval Training) is a combination of high-intensity exercises that aims to burn calories But the good news in these times of coronavirus and quarantine is that this activity can also be done without leaving home. In other words, you can enjoy HIIT exercises at home in a safe and effective way.

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Because of the high intensity, HIIT workouts have the characteristic of not lasting too long, varying between 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes at the most. Yeah, you know those shots in your running workout, or moments when your bike instructor asks for one minute of maximum acceleration? That's it! You can do the class two or three times a week, burning between 300 and 450 calories in each session.

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In this way, exercise works when a person reaches high intensity peaks interspersed with rest periods that can be active (the person continues moving, but at a lower intensity) or passive, when he or she stops completely.

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Therefore, the easiest way to do HIIT at home is to divide each minute into training and rest periods. That is, if you are a beginner, you can start with 30 seconds of training, followed by 30 seconds of rest. If you are an advanced, you can do 45 seconds of training and 15 seconds of rest.

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to enjoy the benefits of a HIIT workout without equipment. This is because there is no need for specialized machines, the only thing needed is enough space to safely perform each movement. Here are some easy exercises to do at home.

HIIT exercises at home


Push-ups are great for upper body strength and endurance, and it's also ideal for doing HIIT training at home.

  1. Lie face down on the floor with your legs stretched out and your feet together. Place both hands shoulder-width apart on your chest.
  2. Keeping your back, hips and legs straight, push with your arms until your elbows are fully extended.
  3. Finally, bend your elbows to lower your chest to the floor.


Extremely functional intensification exercises. Choose to alternate legs or train one leg in each series.

Read more: HIIT or LISS: Which exercise is right for you?

  1. Stand in front of a box, step, stool, or other sturdy object at knee height.
  2. Lift your right foot and step up on the box so that your right leg is straight.
  3. Come back down to the beginning. Make sure you do the same number of repetitions on each leg.

Triceps dive

The triceps dip primarily works the back of the arm - where the triceps muscle is located.

  1. Sit on the edge of the chair and hold it close to your glutes.
  2. Immediately, get down from the chair to support yourself with your hands on the chair and your feet on the floor.
  3. Finally, bend your elbows so that they point backwards. Try to bend as much as you can without pain in your shoulders. Straighten up and repeat.

HIIT exercises at home: Squat jump

If you want to add pilometric exercises to your workout, squat jumps are great to start with.

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, feet pointing slightly outward.
  2. Bend your knees and hips backwards to squat.
  3. Using the strength of your legs, jump up and fully extend your body as you go over the head.
  4. Land with your knees slightly bent to protect your knees before doing the next squat.

HIIT exercises at home: Knee high

  • Stand up and pull one knee at a time toward your chest, quickly alternating your legs back and forth so that you are constantly moving.

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.