Boqueira: causes and how to treat the sore in the corner of the mouth

 Boqueira: causes and how to treat the sore in the corner of the mouth

Lena Fisher

Boqueira - also known as cheilitis angular - is an inflammatory process of the lips that manifests itself as a crack or sore at the corners of the mouth.

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According to the dermatologist at Hospital Santa Paula Rebecca Kimura This type of problem is most common during the winter and is initially characterized by inflammation, and consequently an infection by pathogens, such as fungi (like Candida albicans) or bacteria, occurs in places with the greatest accumulation of saliva.

What can cause a rash?

According to the dermatologist, the main causes of boqueira are excess saliva that accumulates in the corner of the mouth, causing inflammation and maceration of the skin at the site.

"If the causes are not treated, the lesion can perpetuate itself, becoming chronic", warns the doctor.

In addition, the appearance of this type of lesion in the corners of the mouth can also be observed in other situations, for example:

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  • Use of pacifiers by babies;
  • Lip dryness on cold days;
  • Dryness of the lips for a long period;
  • Using braces;
  • Dental prosthesis use;
  • Regular intake of inhaled corticosteroid medications.

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According to the dermatologist, the symptoms of mouth disease can appear on only one side of the mouth or on both sides at the same time. Thus, the main symptoms of mouth disease are:

  • Pain;
  • Dryness of the skin;
  • Burning sensation;
  • Pain when talking or eating;
  • Crust in the corner of the mouth;
  • Difficulty opening the mouth;
  • Redness in the corners of the lips;
  • Peeling at the corner of the mouth and lips;
  • Small cracks in the corner of the mouth;
  • Increased sensitivity of the corner of the mouth;
  • It increases sensitivity when eating or drinking very salty, acidic, and sugar-rich foods.

Risk Factors

There are situations that favor the accumulation of saliva in the angle of the mouth, trauma or infection of the skin around the mouth, favoring angular cheilitis.

Thus, the specialist informs that the main risk factors for mouthwatering are situations that favor the accumulation of saliva in the angle of the mouth, such as

  1. Poor oral hygiene;
  2. Immunodeficiencies;
  3. Perioral dermatitis;
  4. Nutritional deficiency;
  5. Orthodontic appliances;
  6. Habit of licking the spot;
  7. Ill-fitting dental prostheses;
  8. Dermatitis caused by toothpaste;
  9. Intraoral fungal infections and in older individuals;
  10. Finally, medications that cause dryness.

Wound in the corner of the mouth is a warning for mouth disease

Although the appearance of the boil lesions is quite characteristic, the dermatologist can already suspect the type of inflammation by the physical examination and the patient's history.

Still according to Rebecca, the main indicative sign is the presence of a sore in the corner of the mouth that can be accompanied by other symptoms, for example: pain when opening the mouth, burning, increased local sensitivity, and redness, skin dryness or small local cracks.

"Patients with longer-lasting lesions need to undergo specific tests to evaluate for possible fungal or bacterial infection," indicates the dermatologist.

Therefore, it is necessary to look for the source of the inflammation by laboratory analysis of material scraped from the lesion and by a biopsy of the site.

Wound types

It is also worth understanding that not every mouth sore means a mouth infection, so it is important to know what other types of mouth sores are and why they arise.

Wounds with blisters

Usually, blisters appear in cases of fever blisters. This is because the infection is caused by viruses that influence the appearance of small painful blisters.

Often, herpes can be confused with thrush, but remember that thrush appears only on the inside of the mouth.

White sores

When the lesions are whitish, beware, it can be a sign of oral candidiasis - popularly known as thrush, which is characterized by white plaques on the tongue, inner cheeks, roof of the mouth, gums, and tonsils.

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According to the specialist, the treatment for angular cheilitis involves controlling the local predisposing factors.

Mouthwash ointment

Healing creams and ointments are often recommended for treating wounds in the corner of the mouth. However, the products change depending on the reason for the mouth sore.

"In cases where the boqueira is not caused by infection, the doctor or dentist may indicate the use of ointments and creams with moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties to insulate the wound from moisture," says Dr. Rebecca Kimura.

However, in cases where it happens due to infections, the use of antibiotic and antifungal ointments will probably be indicated.


It is also possible to use mouth rinses that are specific for the treatment of the condition. usually, they have chlorhexidine in the composition, which helps in the antiseptic action. anyway, it is important to have, above all, the guidance of a professional before choosing the ideal rinse model.


In some cases, nutritional supplements can help fight the rash and prevent the lesions from reappearing, because one of the causes of angular cheilitis is nutritional deficiency.

Home Treatments

To help cure the rash, it is possible to resort to natural treatments. In this way, the specialist advises some basic habits. For example:

  • First of all, maintain oral hygiene;
  • Perform adjustment and cleaning of dentures;
  • Treat the symptoms of lip dryness with the use of lip balm;
  • Avoid salty or acidic foods to protect the region.
  • In addition, there are some natural treatments that include the consumption of yogurts e orange juices This is because they facilitate the formation of the tissue that helps to close the wounds in the corner of the mouth.

Toothpaste cures boqueira?

It is not a good idea to put toothpaste on the lesions in order to cure the cheekbone, because the product can actually be an irritant and thus hinder the recovery of the wound. In addition, in some cases the toothpaste itself can cause angular cheilitis, especially in people who are allergic to it.

Is Boqueira contagious?

According to Rebecca, in cases where the mumps occur due to fungal or bacterial infections, there is a risk of contagion.

Therefore, a person with a mouth infection should not share objects, such as cups, towels, and razors, that come into direct contact with the mouth. In addition, the condition can also be transmitted through kissing.

How to prevent

Some simple and practical measures can help to prevent chapping, as well as protect the lips. So, the dermatologist shared some measures to reduce the accumulation of humidity in the corners of the mouth. That way, check it out below:

  • Sleep well;
  • Eat healthily;
  • Keep the place clean and dry at all times;
  • Try to keep the lower part of your face dry;
  • Keep your body and mouth hydrated at all times;
  • Keep the corners of your mouth clean and free from moisture;
  • Do not poke the mouth or peel the skin from the lips with the teeth ;
  • Also, do not lubricate the wounds with saliva;
  • Use a lip moisturizer with a sun protection (SPF) But especially if the weather is cold, dry or sunny;
  • If you regularly have inedible objects in your mouth or on your lips (such as dentures, cigarettes, or braces), good oral hygiene can help keep your lips and mouth clean.

Source: Rebecca Kimura, dermatologist at Hospital Santa Paula.

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.