Beans are fattening? Check out the nutritional information on the food

 Beans are fattening? Check out the nutritional information on the food

Lena Fisher

This food is an item that cannot be missing in the table of many Brazilians. It is part of the legume family and contains essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body However, many people still think that beans are fattening and, therefore, stop including them in their diet.

Benefits and nutritional information

Source of fiber and plant proteins Besides, there is a wide variety of types: black, carioca, jalo, white, rajado, red, fradinho, string... Each one carries different texture and flavor characteristics, which allows us to create many dishes. Check out some more advantages of this legume:

  • Improved intestinal health: Thanks to fibers which contribute to the transit of the digestive system and to the quality of the microbiota;
  • Cholesterol control: The fiber present in the food attaches itself to the fat molecules (like fat itself). cholesterol ) and contribute to decrease their absorption;
  • More satiety: And without high calories or glycemic peaks, which may benefit those who seek the weight loss ;
  • Great contribution of nutrients to the body (such as calcium, iron, and zinc): It can therefore help prevent and control conditions such as anemia ;
  • Immunity booster: Whether because it is a source of zinc or also balances the intestinal microbiota .

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But as for calories: Here's what a 100-gram serving of cooked carioca beans carries:

  • 76 calories;
  • 13.6g of carbohydrates;
  • 4.8g of protein;
  • 0.5g of fat;
  • 8.50g of fiber;
  • 2mg sodium.

After all, are beans fattening?

As you have seen, a portion of the food is just as calorific, not to mention that it provides more than a third of the daily dose of fiber that we should ingest. Therefore, it can indeed be a good option for those seeking lose weight !

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The combination beans + rice, by the way, is very complete: both are sources of essential amino acids The cereal contains methionine, while the legume contains lysine and leucine, for example.

However, it is always worth remembering: no food, by itself, is capable of making us lose weight or gain weight. Therefore, consuming beans (especially along with other caloric items, such as sausage and bacon) can indeed increase the weight on the scale. You should strive, then, for balance, as well as count on the help of a nutritional monitoring to reach your goal safely and without radicalism.

See_also: Minas cheese: Properties and benefits of white cheese

Read also: Want to improve heart health? Eat beans

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.