Microdermal piercing done by Giovanna Antonelli requires care

 Microdermal piercing done by Giovanna Antonelli requires care

Lena Fisher

The actress Giovanna Antonelli surprised her followers with a microdermal piercing in the thoracic region, above the breasts. The jewel, a discreet point of light, earned praise from Instagram users, and many were curious about the placement of the accessory. Below, we clarify the main doubts and care about microdermal piercing.

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What is the difference between "conventional" and microdermal piercing?

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, piercings gained a lot of space as a form of expression and personality. body piercer Leopoldo Heringer, the "traditional" piercings such as the navel, ear, nose and eyebrow piercings, have a simpler piercing technique in relation to the microdermal ones, because the aesthetics resembles earrings: "The 'conventional' piercing uses a stem that goes in and out, while the microdermal is a kind of small implant that stays in the skin, with only one apparent exit (in this case, the ornamentThen the base of this piercing goes under the skin, fixed at a specific point", he explains.

How is microdermal piercing applied?

As Heringer explains, microdermal perforation is more sophisticated. "It can be done in three different ways: scalpel, dermal punch or blade needle In other words, the professional isolates the perforation site and presses the region, thus avoiding excessive bleeding, which can hinder the placement of the adornment. dermal punch or other instrument for drilling. With the help of a small forceps, the body piercer It is worth mentioning that the base of the accessory has a small structure called an anchor, which is a kind of flat earring clutch that helps to keep the piercing in place.

Is it true that microdermal carries more risk of inflammation?

According to Leopoldo Heringer, the person's lack of care allied to a poorly executed procedure can cause complications: "Since it is a superficial piece of tissue, it can have excessive movement. Therefore, the region can get hurt, because the site is more delicate and needs a larger fissure for the implantation of the base", teaches the specialist.

What is the healing process like?

The recovery of the skin after a piercing is individual. furthermore, the healing period may vary according to the piercing site. however, says Heringer, the process requires patience, as it may take from 6 months to 1 year. "It is a peaceful healing when care is taken. but there may be swelling, local pain, redness, secretion, bleeding and even rejection," he warns. in the case ofFor example, the body has some kind of allergy to the material of the jewelry, does not get used to the foreign body and causes inflammation.

On the other hand, fiddling with the piercing, wearing tight clothes, and causing too much friction are also risk factors for the situation. To prevent this disorder, it is fundamental to choose a reliable professional. Not all body piercer Therefore, search for references and people who perform the procedures under the biosafety rules (disposable materials, sterilized environment, use of adequate equipment, etc).

Microdermal piercing care

Immediately after the perforation, keep the site always clean and dry, and follow the professional's recommendations: "I always ask you to wash the region with neutral soap and saline solution compresses, as well as keeping a bandage on the site during the first days", says Heringer. body piercer are enemies of good healing.

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Despite being versatile, microdermal piercing has some restrictions for certain locations. therefore, the tip is not to pierce hands, feet, folds, legs, fingers, and other parts with little tissue for adherence of the material. in addition, people with diabetes and other coagulation problems (hemophilia, for example) need medical approval to have the intervention.

Source: Leopoldo Heringer, body piercer, member and director of APPBR (Brazilian Professional Piercers Association).

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.