How to win your internal and emotional battle

 How to win your internal and emotional battle

Lena Fisher

Emotional battle, or internal battle, can be defined as any state that leaves us off our axis or out of balance - such as anxiety depression, anger, impulsivity, and sadness.

When you experience these feelings for prolonged periods, you need to seek help, because this is a sign that you have lost your center and are in an internal battle, with your mind agitated and not knowing where to go.

Legend has it that we have two wolves fighting inside of us: one represents light, strength, goodness, transformation and resilience; the other, shadows, fear, sadness and anger .

Our biggest enemy, that is our biggest internal battle, is the one that happens inside us, when we only lose to ourselves.

We all have problems, but each one of us lives and reacts to them in different ways. There are people who recognize the problem, seek help, worry, and don't get stuck in the whys: why me, why just now when everything was going well?

There are people who recognize the problems, but don't want to talk about them, pretend they don't exist. Yet they are there, like stones in the shoe.

Internal Battle

Moreover, it is common to come up with phrases like: 'it's going, it's going to be fine, it's going to work out'. How can it work out if no action is being taken to make it work? So it is necessary to understand the difference between acceptance and resignation.

We accept a situation, for example, when we are able to override it.

However, we are resigned to it when we don't move in the direction we want in our lives, and we stay stuck in the situation, feeling sorry for ourselves, feeling like victims, and doing nothing about it. There is always something to be done.

In this way, I become a slave to the situation, to the problem, I tie myself to it, I block myself in my life, since I think that this is what I have to live and I stop looking for options.

Acceptance is not to go against the current, but to use situations as learning experiences, because there is always the possibility of correcting and re-signifying the course of our lives.

In an emotional battle, do you choose which emotion will win: complain or take action? If I understand and accept what happens in my life, I will own it, overcome obstacles, seek learning. If it's the opposite, I will resign myself, and so will remain with me the pain and suffering .

In this way, the way we focus on certain emotions will define the way we react to life's obstacles. We can have proactive or conflicting behaviors.

How to win your internal battle

Change automatic and negative thoughts

Stop repeating the same thing: 'I can't, I can't, it won't work'. This negative reading will only potentiate the bad aspects and will occupy your mind with thoughts of low self-esteem and insecurity.

So look at the experiences without taking into consideration the concepts of approval or disapproval, be kind to yourself.

Beware the belief of demerit during the internal battle

Many people believe that results happen, that transformations exist, but think, 'let's be realistic, will it be me, do I deserve it?'

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Yes, you deserve the best that life can offer you, and everything you do to achieve your goals. This is not arrogance, this is self-confidence, self-love, self-respect.

So prepare your environment to increase your belief in merit, surround yourself with good people, consume uplifting, aggregating content.

There is a time for planning and there is a time for action

I am not talking about choices only in the sense of willing, that is, the will. For choices only exist in practice, at the level of action.

Ask yourself: 'What acts can I perform to leverage my career? For my weight loss Or to improve my love life? to be respected by others? or to increase my income? to be happier?

It's not enough to say to yourself: 'I wish I could be more responsible, I should act better towards my family'. You have to translate this behavior into action.

So if we want to win our emotional and internal battle, we need to consider, 'What acts could I perform? What are my options? If I prefer to do nothing, am I willing to take responsibility for that decision?'

Decided, it's decided

Once you've decided, you don't redecide. Once you've decided you're going to do it, you've already passed the stage of planning .

Many people decide what they are going to do, but then wonder: 'is this really what I want?' Do it. After you do it, then you evaluate what went right, what went wrong, and improve.

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The first step of any journey is to do, not to do it well, but to do it. The well done can come later. You don't need to get it right the first time, do, measure, learn, improve, and do it again. In the cycle of do it again, you will gain excellence.

Don't reject your feelings, thoughts and emotions

Allow yourself to live without denial, bad thoughts, feelings, desires, and actions. Also, accept all parts of your personality, recognizing that they have all been useful at some point in your life.

Learn to ask for help. Activate your support system. Some people are very bad at asking for help. By the time they ask for help, it's too late. Some people think that asking for help is synonymous with weakness And it is not.


Peace of mind If you are always saying that you should do something, your mind is filled with cluttered clutter, and this generates extreme anxiety. A noisy mind is not capable of accomplishing great things.

We have to choose whether we want to be part of the solution or part of the problem. Taking our own responsibility implies accepting that what we do today is the starting point for change or stagnation tomorrow. Responsibility implies effort, yes, but it also implies power and freedom.

Linda Vieira - Clinical Psychologist with Phenomenological-Existential approach. Experience in: depression, phobias, stress, anxiety, sexuality, relationships and fears. Partner in the Tecnonutri Weight Loss Program.

Read also: Mental health and emotional health: The differences and similarities between them

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.