Home remedy for baldness: doctor indicates what may or may not help the problem

 Home remedy for baldness: doctor indicates what may or may not help the problem

Lena Fisher

With the advance of technology and research, it has become increasingly possible to care for and treat hair loss. However, even with all the new possibilities, there is a question that still generates doubts: after all, is there a home remedy for baldness?

According to doctor Lucas Fustinoni, the consumption of vitamins present in some foods and the use of certain oils can influence the hair problem. Learn how and why!

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Home remedy for baldness

In a quick search on the Internet, it is possible to find hundreds of supposed home remedies for baldness, with recipes that will probably not have any effect.

According to the doctor, when talking about how to combat alopecia - another name for baldness - one doesn't have to go very far: just remember the old saying "you are what you eat".

"There are foods that offer benefits when used directly on the hair or scalp, but it's the foods eaten in the diet that really make a difference," he says.

In addition, some oils can also influence the health of the scalp - either in a good or bad way.

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Below, the doctor lists some tips on how to prevent hair loss.

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Good and bad ingredients for baldness

Vegetable oils and vitamins for hair

According to Fustinoni, these are the first names on the list of "miracle products" to prevent baldness. He points out, however, that this does not mean that they are able to cure or solve all hair loss problems, since the pharmaceutical industry has been studying for decades a solution to end baldness, but so far no definitive cure for it has been found.

When it comes to hair care oils, the coconut oil is one of the first names that immediately comes to mind - and not for nothing.

According to the doctor, it is a great option for moisturizing the hair. However, even though it is a natural substance and full of benefits, it is not suitable for all hair types.

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"When used the wrong way, coconut oil can cause the opposite effect, drying out the strands and making scalp oiliness worse. For example, in cases of hair that doesn't need deep moisturizing, the oil can saturate the strands, preventing water from entering through the hair cuticles."

As for vitamins, the professional says that the "rule" is the same. He explains: despite being a good ally for hair health, the Vitamin A can lead to hair loss if used in excess.

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Feed as a home remedy for baldness

It is no news that the intake of certain nutrients can provide shine and health to the hair, and prevent hair loss. But, on the other hand, there are also those that harm the health of the scalp, leading to increased hair loss.

Below, Fustinoni lists which foods are harmful and which are essential, which can act as a real home remedy for baldness:

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  • Fructose, part of refined sugar or sucrose

Normally found in fruits and in foods enriched with fructose syrup - such as the corn syrup present in breads, pasta, and sweets, for example - they are extremely harmful components for the scalp. Therefore, the ideal is to avoid consuming them in order not to harm the health of your hair.

  • Folate

This is the natural form of folic acid, also known as Vitamin B9, which can be found in beans, broccoli, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, and poultry.

According to the results of some studies, it has been proven that there is a relationship between the lack of this property in the body and premature aging of the hair.

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  • Zinc

A fundamental nutrient for human health, its lack can lead to a number of problems, including hair loss.

"This mineral reduces inflammation, accelerates wound healing, and helps reduce hair loss and hair development," explains the professional.

Zinc can be found in animal foods, chickpeas, lentils, black beans, nuts, milk, yogurt, cheese, oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, and others.

  • Omega-3 and Omega-6

According to studies, both types of fat contribute to the growth of stronger hair, preventing hair loss.

They can be found in fish, olive oil, soybean and corn oils, mayonnaise, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, and others.

Source: Lucas Fustinoni, physician, specialist in aesthetics, hair and beard.

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Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.