Coffee on the hair: is it good for you? Does it help hair to grow? Myths and truths

 Coffee on the hair: is it good for you? Does it help hair to grow? Myths and truths

Lena Fisher

Does your hair usually grow fast or is it the kind that takes a long time to grow? If there was a magic formula to accelerate hair growth, would you be interested in it? We can bet that most people would be at least curious, wouldn't they? Well, this formula seems to exist, and it is based on a very common product in Brazilians' daily lives: coffee. A study conducted byUniversity Lübeck, Germany, has shown that coffee in hair can be a powerful stimulator for hair strands, providing up to 25% growth in a short time.

Since then, many people have been using "coffee bomb shampoo", that is, a mixture of salt-free shampoo and three tablespoons of coffee powder. But, should you use coffee like this? unprocessed Is it really good for the hair?

"No" for ground coffee

According to Giovanna Mori Almeida, dermatologist at Hospital Albert Sabin (HAS), there are already studies showing that caffeine inhibits the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, responsible for hair loss, and the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which makes hair thinning in people with predisposition to this type of problem.thickness," he explains.

But, although caffeine accelerates hair growth, using coffee powder directly on the hair or scalp is not recommended, as it can cause contact dermatitis at the site.

"Similarly, drinking several cups of coffee is also not the best way to get results; it would take more than 50 cups a day to get any satisfactory response."

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How to use the power of coffee in hair?

To have the benefits of caffeine for the scalp, the ideal is to look for a specialist: "He can prescribe some supplements that contain the ideal concentration of caffeine to be ingested daily", says the dermatologist, so don't use homemade and unsupervised recipes, as they may cause more problems than solutions.

"Besides the caffeine present in coffee and some other foods, substances such as yerba mate, green tea, guarana, and cocoa also help to strengthen hair strands and stop hair loss," reminds Giovanna.

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Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.