Sebaceous cyst: what it is, how to identify and treat

 Sebaceous cyst: what it is, how to identify and treat

Lena Fisher

Sebaceous cysts - also called epidermal cysts - consist of lump-like nodules that form under the skin, with the same color as our dermis. Thus, they are also considered the most common and benign skin cysts.

According to Dr. Daniela Bellucci dermatologist and post-graduate in esthetic medicine, sebaceous cysts can appear in people of any age. They are usually soft to the touch, are painless, and move when touched or pressed.

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In which areas of the body can sebaceous cysts appear?

The dermatologist informs that this type of cyst can occur anywhere on the skin, including areas with hair and scalp They are more common on the face, neck, and upper torso - because the sebaceous glands are more numerous and active in these areas," he says.

Therefore, sebaceous cysts are benign (non-cancerous), and very common, and can be found in individuals of both sexes and anywhere on the body.

What are the causes of sebaceous cysts?

According to Dr. Daniela Bellucci, the sebaceous cyst is formed by a channel of the sebaceous gland that becomes obstructed. Thus, it forms secretion internally, causing the formation and appearance of the nodule .

So there are a few reasons why the skin cells behave differently than expected, causing this type of cyst to form.

The causes are diverse and, for the most part, natural and unavoidable, so learn about some of them:

  • Carnations;
  • Acne vulgaris;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Congenital problems;
  • Sebaceous gland rupture;
  • Hair follicle problems;
  • Trauma to the skin, such as cuts or wounds.


The sebaceous cysts are palpable in the skin, of variable consistency, well delimited, and can have a central point: the obstructed pilosebaceous orifice - when it is compressed, it eliminates keratinous material, with a fetid odor.

"There are no other symptoms, except if secondary inflammation occurs, when you may then experience pain," clarifies the dermatologist.

Therefore, when these cysts If they become inflamed or infected, they can become painful, hot, red, and purulent.

"It is a nodule of variable size, from millimeters to several centimeters in diameter, usually 1 to 5 centimeters, mobile in relation to the depth of the skin, single or multiple," warns the specialist.

So, check out our list of basic characteristics to make it easier to identify this type of cyst:

  • Small nodule;
  • Rounded;
  • They can be moved with the fingers;
  • When the color of the skin differs, its color turns white or yellowish;
  • Its size varies from a few millimeters to 6 centimeters in diameter.

In addition, it is important to remember that the appearance of a lump on the skin can be a cyst: "that is why it is necessary to evaluate the characteristics and seek a medical diagnosis", indicates the dermatologist.

Risk Factors

Dr. Daniela Bellucci points out that sebaceous cysts are rare in children, more common in adults, and affect both sexes.

However, there are some risk factors that can lead to the appearance of a sebaceous cyst in the skin. These are:

  • Excessive sun exposure;
  • Some rare genetic diseases;
  • The period of life between the end of puberty and menopause;
  • Traumas or injuries to the skin caused by blows that can lead to lump formation.


According to the dermatologist, the best way to prove the existence of a benign sebaceous cyst is through clinical examination.

"If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, then an ultrasound or CT scan should be performed," requests Dr. Daniela Bellucci.

Although medical tests are the only way to confirm the diagnosis, there are some signs that patients should look out for:

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  • History of acne;
  • Aesthetic discomfort;
  • Appearance of nodules ;
  • Family history of cysts ;
  • Recent skin lesions;
  • Discomfort caused by the cysts;
  • Emergence of the first symptoms.

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What are the treatments for sebaceous cyst?

Even in the vast majority of cases, treatments are not necessary, because there is no damage to the patients' health or quality of life.

However, in cases where the patient is uncomfortable with the presence of the cyst, there are some ways to remove the sebaceous cyst, such as the surgical procedure.

Whether it is because of its aesthetic appearance, cysts that measure more than 1 centimeter, or inflammation and pain, the treatment for cyst removal can be done through simple surgery.

There are other types of less invasive treatments than surgery, such as drainage and corticosteroid injections.

How is sebaceous cyst removal surgery performed?

According to the skin care specialist, the surgery to remove sebaceous cysts of up to 1 centimeter requires local anesthesia and a small incision, followed by squeezing to eliminate the capsule: "in larger cysts, it is necessary to surgically remove the lesion with the capsule," she differentiates.

The dermatologist also reminds us that if there is an infection in the sebaceous cyst, it is necessary to drain the secretion: "then, when the inflammation improves, surgery can be initiated to remove the cyst completely", she advises.

Is there a cure for a sebaceous cyst?

The cyst can hardly go away on its own permanently, without the need for treatment to remove or destroy its capsule. Thus, there are cases where cysts can disappear and come back with time.

After the surgery, the patient is cured, but this does not prevent the appearance of new cysts," concludes the specialist.

Source: Dr. Daniela Bellucci, dermatologist and post-graduate in aesthetic medicine.

Lena Fisher

Lena Fisher is a wellness enthusiast, certified nutritionist, and author of the popular health and well-being blog. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health coaching, Lena has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their optimal health and live their best life possible. Her passion for wellness has led her to explore various approaches to achieving overall health, including diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Lena's blog is a culmination of her years of research, experience, and personal journey towards finding balance and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to make positive changes in their lives and embrace a healthy lifestyle. When she's not writing or coaching clients, you can find Lena practicing yoga, hiking the trails, or experimenting with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.